Find Your Role

With over 40 unique Champions to choose from, Paladins offers options for every play style.

Champions are categorized into 4 Roles: Frontline, Damage, Suport, and Flank. Click on each role below to find out more about each role and which one might best suit your play style.


Frontline Champions are the first ones into a fight, and usually, the last ones out. Watch the Frontline Role Basics video to learn how you can take control of the battlefield using this Role.

Ruckus FrontLine


Paladins Tiberius

Damage Champions are tasked with dealing the maximum damage possible to enemy players. Watch the Damage Role Basics video for information on how to play most effectively as a Damage Champion.


Support Champions are able to limit the movement and combat capabilities of enemy teams while healing or buffing their teammates. Watch the Support Role Basics video to learn how to carry your teammates to victory as a Support.

Io Support Paladins


Paladins Moji

Flank Champions excel at getting into the backline of the enemy team and taking down unsuspecting players to weaken their hold on objectives. Watch the Flank Role Basics video to learn how to effectively “sneak and destroy” as a Flank Champion.

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